Why choose catering for your next event

Working in the events industry, we know just how hectic organising any sort of gathering can be. The list of tasks and things to think about is endless - but we specialise in being one less thing on that list. That’s why we want to tell you why you should go with catering for your next event,  and that we’re the best team for the job. Here we go through why choosing catering will make your life so much easier, and how you won’t be disappointed if you go with us.

1. It will take the stress out of your event 

Probably the most important reason, making your event faff-free and stress-free is a very important part of what we do. There are times when you suddenly realise there’s a lot of planning needed for an event - it’s not just picking a date, it’s finding a venue, writing a guest list, sending out invites, arranging transport - the list can be endless. If you start thinking about having to deal with all this as well as a menu, shopping list, and the timings of this, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Let us take something off your plate and help you create the best event possible. 

2. You’ll save so much time

You can’t really put a price on how valuable your time is. Sometimes you just want to try to cut costs in any area possible, and catering services is the first area we make concessions in. Why pay for preparing meals when you can buy the ingredients when you can do it yourself, you think? You think you will be able to limit the budget and save some costs - but honestly, it’s never worth the hassle. 

3. You won’t have to think about any of these questions…

How many of your friends and family will be willing to help? Do you have all the appropriate equipment? Is there enough space to cook for a large gathering? Would you require excess portions for extra helpings? How will everything stay warm? Finally, who will go and serve every guest at the event? We’re exhausted just thinking about them. Working with us will take all these questions right off your to do list.

4. Hygiene and food safety guaranteed 

Even if you’re an excellent cook at home, once you start to increase the numbers you’re cooking for, and do it within a time constraint, things can start to go wrong. We specialise in the highest standards of food hygiene and safety, ensuring nothing will ruin your special occasion or event.

5. High-quality meals to make your meet memorable

We all remember certain meals don’t we? The stand out, scrumptious plates you just expect to be having at that conference or wedding. Catering companies - and Speyside Kitchen especially - give you the chance to treat everyone to affordable, high-quality food, without compromising on the rest of your event.

6. You’ll be able to cater to everyone’s needs

Yet another task that can bog you down in your planning - making sure you meet everyone’s dietary requirements. As we all learn more about what’s good for us and the planet, more and more people are making more diverse choices with their diet. But assembling a list of what everyone wants, what they need, what they can and can’t eat, is a task in itself - and that’s before you even start thinking about how to provide that menu. Catering companies specialise in making sure everyone gets something delicious that suits them - at Speyside Kitchen especially, we pride ourselves in being able to offer exciting and versatile food which can easily be adapted, without compromising on quality, to all sorts of dietary needs.

7. You’ll experience a delicious taste of what’s on offer in the area

It’s likely that a lot of your guests might have travelled to attend the event. A good catering company will take influence from the local area to give everyone involved a sample of what the surroundings can offer. At Speyside Kitchen, we specialise in sourcing local ingredients and presenting traditional Scottish recipes in a modern context. From hearty venison bourguignon to our version of the classic chicken balmoral; Speyside fish pie to our Highland bread & butter pudding with whisky marmalade; you’ll be guaranteed a perfect insight into the rich variety of tastes and flavours on offer in the Highlands. 

Convinced? Contact us and we’ll start making your next event a special one for all the right reasons. Email info@speysidekitchen.co.uk or call +44 1479 861387 / +44 7925 544473.

Speyside Kitchen: helping busy individuals and groups alike achieve memorable life events by providing first class event planning and catering service that prioritises customer service and customer experience.

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